Be sure there is no medical reason why you should not do the yoga.Drugs as well as a high protein (meat) diet go against the aims of yoga.Bring a shawl or blanket to cover yourself during relaxation and meditation.Sit on something like a blanket, mat or sheepskin.Wear loose cotton clothing (white recommended) & head covering for meditation.Take a shower before, especially in the morning.SA TA NA MA is an expression of the journey home as the sleeping and serpentine consciousness is brought awake from its innate infinite connection (SA) through the life of form (TA) across the daily chasm of death (NA) and into an enduring birth (MA) Enhancing Your Experience It can also be understood as true name, or identity and is an appropriate mantra for practicing silently during the class – hearing SAT while you inhale and NAM as you exhale. This mantra means in the name of truth and confirms the integrity of the intention with which the yoga has been practiced. This song is sung just before the end of the class and speaks for itself.

This mantra develops the theme of the guru and declares the four stages of time through which the guru prevails before the beginning, through the ages past, in the present and in the future. GURU DEV – is the aspect of the transparent, invisible and all pervading guiding impulse in every BODY.ĪAD GURE NAMEH, JUGAAD GURE NAMEH, SAT GURE NAMEH, SRI GURUDEVE NAMEH NAMO – states that we have named the vibration and identify ourselves in relation to it. ONG – is used to express the universal vibration as it extends itself into the Creation. It brings the whole group to a common vibration as the class begins. This is a mantra to honour the Creation and tune into our inner guru. Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, is a comprehensive system and so some classes include discussions about life and spiritual philosophy. The standard format of the session is about 40 minutes of exercises incorporating breathing, 15 minutes of deep relaxation and some meditation. The Kundalini Yoga class, is very simple and includes the chanting of a few mantras at the beginning and end of the session.